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stages, allow your own psyche to guide you as to when the experience is done. If
other members of the group are still working, this is not a sign that their
experience was more profound. Sit quietly or lie down, enjoying the silence and
allowing the images of your meditation to develop quite spontaneously.
If you are working with a group, remain in the circle and pass round a bowl or
chalice of pure water. If you are working indoors with candlelight, arrange the
candles so they reflect on the water. As each person gazes into the water, they can
contribute a series of images about what the Goddess represents to them, which will
be stimulated by the meditation. You do not need to use a bowl of water, but it is
a way of directing inner images externally to find expression. Some people prefer
to pass round a crystal ball or a large piece of uncut crystal. A crystal is
helpful if you find it difficult to retrieve images from meditation or if you find
meditation unproductive, as the living energies provide a direct route to your
unconscious wisdom.
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After your meditation, if you are working alone, surround a clear bowl of water
with white candles and, looking into it, begin to speak. You may like to record
your words on cassette to make them easier to recall. If you do not consciously try
to formulate poetic expressions, profound poetry and rich images will emerge almost
from another place. This is the deep pool of collective wisdom speaking.
If you are in a group, the images can be set down by your scribe as a collective
charge that can be changed over the months. Working on your charge can be a
fruitful activity every six weeks or so as it reflects and stimulates the group
Copy a version of your charge into your Book of Shadows. It is good to read if you
feel afraid or alone at any time when you are not doing magical work.
The Charge Of The God
For some practitioners, this charge is less important, but I believe that the male
polarity or energies are an integral part not only of the seasonal Wheel of the
Year, but also of human experience, whether you are working alone or as part of a
coven. It is one I have found helpful, but you can create your own through a god
meditation by visualising a god form that seems relevant to you. Again I have used
Celtic god forms:
These are the words of the Father, who is son and consort of the Great Mother, born
in the beginning of She who created the universe from her own body, from her smiles
and tears and ever-fertile womb.
'I am He, the wild untamed power of the hunt, the horned beasts and the woodland,
that offers food, shelter and protection to people of all races, clans and creeds.
I am Cernunnos, horned Lord of Winter; as Master of the Animals and Lord of the
Corn, I offer willing sacrifice for the land and people; as King of the Dark Places
beneath the soil, in the nurturing womb of the Mother, like all creatures who have
entered the gentle Earth, I grow strong again, resting but never slumbering, until
I hear the call at the darkest and coldest hour to be reborn as Lugh, radiant son;
at that hour I bring the promise that the Sun will not die, but as the wheel turns
bring lighter days and the promise of spring as the mid-winter yoke is conquered
once more.
'I bring power, strength, courage and nobility to defend the weak and the
vulnerable, and to give of my life blood to maintain what is of worth and just and
lovely. Mine is not the path of ease, but of ecstasy in the wild wood where the
untamed instincts bow only to natural law and natural justice; as the fruit of the
sacred vine, Lord of the Dance, the young stag who masters the old; as the Barley
King, I dance and laugh and sing of the spirit that never can be broken, of the
potency of the life force coursing through my loins to bring increase and
abundance, as fields and the animals and humankind are made fertile by the sacred
coupling beneath the may bowers and blossoming trees.
'Birth follows death, plenty follows dearth, creation follows necessary
destruction, and so renewed, I dedicate myself to the sanctity of all life ruled by
the highest of intent and in humility in the hour of my greatest triumph.'
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A Goddess Meditation
You can use this to create your personal or group Charge of the Goddess.
Find a quiet, safe place for meditation where you will not be disturbed and can
fall asleep without coming to any harm, if you naturally drift from a meditative to
a sleep state. Choose a time when you are not too tired and before you begin, have
a bath to which a few drops of sandalwood or ylang ylang oil are added for
heightened psychic awareness.
For the meditation, use a focus, for example a bubbling fountain or water feature,
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fragrant herbs or flowers, such as lavender or roses, or a scented candle of
jasmine, apple blossom, lilac or neroli. (You can easily make a water feature by
setting up a very small electric pump in a deep container in which you place
crystals, greenery, perhaps a tiny statue and some plants.) You can work either
alone or as a group, sitting in a circle round the focus, so that you can see it
without moving your neck or head. Experiment until you get the height of the table
and the distances right. For group work, you can light a circle of candles.
If you are working indoors, and there is no natural harmonious sound, such as the
water, you may like to play softly a CD of rainforest or ocean sounds, birdsong or
dolphin calls.
* Light incense sticks of frankincense or myrrh.
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