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Julian raised an eyebrow, wondering what exactly that might mean. He propped his head up on his
arm, rolling a little to watch his friend. So, Cam and the infamous Jeremy, huh? Even going back
to their university days, they had known about Cam's teenage crush and teased him mercilessly.
Didn't see that coming. He kept his tone deliberately casual and blinked innocently when Patrick
narrowed his eyes at him.
"Me neither, the other man answered noncommittally. He finished putting away his clothes and
then put the empty suitcase under the bed and joined Julian, staring up at the ceiling. They're
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Julian waited. When Patrick didn't finish the sentence, he prompted, Yes? The soft sigh Patrick
let out was worrisome, to say the least.Uh-oh.
"Happy. They make me feel old, Ace. Now you, too? And your boyfriend is practically a senior
Julian spluttered with laughter. Maybe something was going on, but Patrick wasn't ready to talk
about it seriously. Not yet, anyway. I'll be sure to tell him you said that. Maybe he'll help me hide
the body."
"Is it time for that talk already? Patrick seemed to deflate. Well, except for his swollen shoulder,
"It's always that time with me, Julian said mock-cheerfully. That shoulder wound had to hurt, and
if he knew Patrick, which he did, he wasn't taking his pain medication. Julian was going to have to
send a blood sample for lab work tomorrow, which he was sure Patrick would not appreciate, so it
was probably best to prepare him now. How long has it been that color?"
Patrick looked uncomfortable. What do you mean?"
Rolling his eyes, Julian reached over and poked the skin just below the wound. The skin was
burning hot. Patrick hissed. This color. The one that looks a little like the shade I turn when I have
a sunburn. Julian pointed out. This says to me, I'm infected!' He made a little high-pitched
bacteria voice.
Patrick was definitely squirming. I don't know. A couple of days, I guess. Maybe a week?"
From his tone of voice, Julian guessed it had been at least a week, and probably longer. And the
reason you have not been taking your antibiotics is because...?"
"Would you believe my health insurance doesn't cover it?"
Julian let his expression show that he was not snowed even for a second. The real reason, please,
"The ones they put me on made me feel like shit. I couldn't keep anything down, I slept fourteen
hours a day, and when I did manage to stay awake, my head was fuzzy. He flopped his good arm
over his eyes. I'm a cop, Julian. I can't live like that. I'll go crazy."
"Too late for that, Julian muttered, sitting up. Okay. Here's the deal. There is a reason they put
you on antibiotics. He poked Patrick's shoulder again, gentler this time, and let himself feel for
bone or tissue damage briefly. Patrick grimaced, but didn't stop him. The reason is so this doesn't
He got up and went to the dresser, where Patrick had laid out all of his supplies for cleaning the
wound, and prepared an alcohol swab. Once you're infected, he continued, sitting down again
and swabbing across the worst of the wound, the little buggers clog up your systems and surf your
bloodstream looking for other targets. He paused to let the effect of his words sink in. Popular
vacation destinations include, but are not limited to, the lungs, the heart, the brain, and the
intestines. That leaves you at risk for pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, endocarditis, and some
really nasty things you don't want to hear about. So. How bout them antibiotics? He glanced at
Patrick's face. And a painkiller."
"I am trying really hard not to hate you right now, Patrick sighed. The pain he was obviously still
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in was clearly visible in his expression.
"I appreciate the effort, Julian said, trying to hide a sigh of relief. He didn't remember Patrick
being quite this stubborn about his health before, but then again, Patrick had never really been his
patient before, either. That one surgery didn't really count. As it so happens, I brought a selection
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