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is a burning desire in your heart to go through centuries of hidden memories, and it is so compelling that you feel there
is something in it for you, go ahead! If you are not intense about it, don't waste too much time, but use your resources
for improving your lot in the living body you inhabit now.
Reincarnation Theories
Reincarnation in the different lifetimes is like putting new beads upon a necklace. And you know how different
necklaces can be. There is the necklace that features all the same matched pearls. Then there are those
with one pearl and one glass bead; some have apple seeds and some have acorns. Lifetimes can be that varied. There
may be no connection between them other than the impulse to live, the thread upon which the beads, are strung. Do we
need to know what other beads are on the thread? Not really. If we did, Mother Nature would have arranged it so that,
for example, on our 31st birthday we could recall the whole thing! Much as menstruation happens naturally to women,
so would reincarnation recall. But it isn't so. Nature shields us, blocks out this information so we don't get confused
about the importance of our present tense. She is wise to do so.
For artists, it's different. Those lifetimes could have information that would improve their art perceptions. Writers in
particular get a lot out of past lives; many interesting books have been written about the subject.
A Technique to Recall Past Lives
Gather with a leader you need a leader or facilitator because you cannot recall and direct at the same time. Lie
comfortably on the floor, breathing in and out together, merged in chaotic meditation, which is to say no focus, no
reaction: just like staring into a fire.
Once everybody is comfortable, the leader sits up and lights two white candles dedicated to memory. She burns a light
incense, such as frankincense or myrrh.
Leader: I (name) am calling the guides to lead us back in time: Come Goddess in Your aspect of history, come
awareness before our birthtimes, come and reveal the pictures in our minds, do not not frighten us but heal.
Now the leader starts a countback in this way:
We are all going back to a year ago this time; meditate and see what you see a year ago this time...
She describes each time period with a few well-known events that we can all identify. For instance, 1980 was when
Mt. St. Helens erupted. The leader must be very sensitive to the space of going back, also skilled in hypnosis because
you have to use deeper tools than conscious memory. She leads you back five years, ten years and finally to your birth,
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each time leaving enough silence to let the mind wander and recall.
After she has led you back to your birthtime, there is a strong tendency to rush the process and go to Egypt or
Anatolia, where the Amazons roamed, but you must flow, not race, with your soul or you lose it.
We all go to the 19th century now . . . a time of revolution, a time of artistic achievements (something like that, neither
too much nor too little). Where are you in 1890? 1880? 1870?
She leads back through the years and sees if any episodes come to mind. At this point she tells the participants to allow
their minds to pick up whatever messages may come forth, and go with a vision if they get one.
This is a long and patient process, requiring at least a weekend, so the leader should take a break after each century
and let the people write down what they experienced. Talking is forbidden now; the silence is to be broken only by the
leader. No food should be eaten during this exercise. But do not push too hard; it flows only if you remain calm.
After the exercise is complete, the participants should take a nap. At this time many more things might come to them.
A modern discussion should not happen until the entire process is finished, and everybody is enriched by the
Returning: When the leader has reached farthest back in the past, she tells the people it's time to return. She need not
take it step by step, century by century, as when backtracking. She can simply say:
We have reached the end of our journey. Now we turn back to our normal selves in the twentieth century. We all
become as we were, a little smarter, a little more compassionate towards ourselves.
Again, light the incense and the candles and say thanks:
Goddess of History, thank You for revealing to us pictures of our older selves; we are returning now to our times.
Please bless us as we wake. We will all feel refreshed and happy. It is done.
Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is exciting and fun; it is also rapport with the dead and must be taken seriously. It is not a means to
escape reality; used as such, it could set you up as a target for spirits who want to dominate you. A few simple
precautions can help to create a positive automatic writing experience.
Place some cut flowers in the center of the table or floor where you plan to work. Purify the space by moving
clockwise around the room holding a censer or cauldron with purification incense burning; myrrh and frankincense, or
Dragon's Blood incense are fine. If others are present (three or four are good), unify first by humming, then evoke
Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom. Draw a large pentagram on a yellow sheet of paper, place it under the flowers, and light
a yellow candle. Now you are ready.
Use a yellow pad and hold a good pen lightly over the paper. Two women can hold the pen at once, but it must be
comfortable. Feel for inclinations
and go with them. At first, you will probably find yourself drawing circles. This is perfectly normal, and may be all
you get for a while. Be patient. After a few moments of "loosening up," one of the participants should call for a spirit
to enter the space and communicate. After a little more time, ask questions: "Is anyone here with us?" "What is your
name?" "How old are you?" "What is your message to us?" "Can we help you?" These are warm-up questions, so
don't rush them. Once a spirit presence is established, the circles on the paper will be better formed and less random.
However, always allow for large, loopy letters and no punctuation. Continue asking for messages. Tell the spirit that it
can relax and use your hand freely to communicate with you.
The communication between this reality and that one is fragile, and it depends on an almost perfect two-way
connection. When it happens successfully, when the link falls into place and you can decipher the writing, when you
gain wisdom from what the spirit has written, then automatic writing becomes an incredibly moving experience. It is
something like knowing you will never be lonely again. Once a spirit has identified herself, you can call on her
specifically. She may eventually come to be a close friend and companion. Always remember to respect your
relationship with the spirits. Never call upon them for trite or trivial reasons, and never allow yourself to "lose
yourself" in the excitement of the experience. Automatic writing should be done at New or Full Moon. During Waning
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