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Stay alert, Turner.
Will do, Travis said before he disconnected.
* * * * *
Jessie awoke an hour later feeling refreshed and satisfied for the first time in
months. Stretching out her sore muscles, she smiled as she headed for the shower,
humming to herself.
She came out wrapped in a towel. She opened her dresser drawer and the world
came crashing back down upon her. Her gun was lying there on top of her clothes.
Staring at it for a minute, she realized that there was nothing she could do but be
prepared. She knew she had pissed Cyrus off last night and she figured he knew she
wasn t sending him the money.
Closing the drawer with a slam, she got dressed. She had a life to live and a sexy
man waiting for her in the kitchen.
Morning! she said cheerfully as she entered. Travis answered her with a grin and
a wink. Betty placed a piece of pie in front of him and then headed outside to find Brad,
mumbling something about her car making funny noises.
Alone, she stared at him over the rim of her coffee cup as he ate his pie. It had been
so long since she had a steady lover she wasn t sure what to say. But then his eyes met
hers and she felt it like a bolt of lightning to her insides. If she wasn t careful she was
going to fall for this man.
She knew that he felt something too because his eyes darkened and then lowered to
brush across her breasts and hips. But she was pretty sure he wasn t thinking about love
and happily ever after. His look said lust, hot and heavy lust. Tangle the sheets and
rock the bed kind of lust. But she wasn t going to complain.
Standing up, he came close and set his plate in the sink. She could smell him, soap
and man, and feel the heat radiating off his skin.
His arms came around her, trapping her against the counter, and he leaned in for a
kiss. She had just enough time to meet him halfway, hungry for another taste of him. He
tasted like the apples in the pie he had just finished and his tongue swept over her teeth
as she released a moan.
Ain t No Angel
Pulling back, they were both breathing heavy and lucky that she hadn t spilled her
coffee on them. Travis rested his forehead on hers for a moment before moving away
Clearing his throat, he said, Well, I think we should get to work before I bend you
over this kitchen table and have my wicked way with you.
Jessie felt her cheeks go red with that image but she stayed where she was and just
raised an eyebrow at him, issuing her challenge.
He chuckled and headed for the door. Don t tempt me, woman. I ll have to put
you over my knee.
Her face went hot all over again and this time she felt a release of wetness between
her legs. Would he really do it? She was definitely going to have to find out. She
followed behind him outside. Together they got in her old, beat-up truck and they
headed to work, talking about nothing and everything.
They worked the day away in the sun, Marc and Brad always close by. She really
did love working her little business, even if it was going to make her gray before her
time. But the pressures of getting by were surpassed by her happiness every time she
finished a job and the results were there for her to see. It was soothing for her to dig in
the soil. It was something she had learned at her mother s knee and the feeling never
Leaning back on her heels from the flowers she was planting along the sidewalk,
she looked around. The new job was a small one but had turned out beautifully and
with Travis help they were ahead of schedule, another day and they would be done.
She was sure the owners of the house would be pleased with the results.
Travis enthusiasm over the last few days had been inspiring for her. Tasks she had
mentioned in passing that needed to be done were done, just like that. He didn t ask or
make a big deal out of it, he just did it. She had only ever met one other man like that in
her life and that had been her father. It wasn t lost on her that it could be the reason she
suddenly found herself head over heels for Travis.
She missed her parents, they had been completely in love with each other and she
wanted that for herself. They had communicated with a look and they had never gotten
too old to hold hands.
She spied Travis headed her way and her thoughts scattered. He was enough to
heat her blood from twenty feet away.
His jeans were riding low on his hips and his t-shirt clung to his damp chest. He
was sweaty, dusty and a little tanner than he had been that morning and it occurred to
her that he was the sexiest man she had ever seen in her life. She wanted all the time she
could get with him, even if it could only end in pain.
Come on, guys! Let s call it a day! Standing, she brushed herself off and helped
pack up the tools they took with them. Soon they were all headed back to the house.
J L Taft
Travis was digging himself deeper by getting involved with her. But the damage
was done and his need for her wasn t something he could fight. By the time this was
over and he wasn t protecting her anymore, things would fizzle out between them.
But deep down he wondered if he would ever get enough of her. She was unlike
anyone else he had known. She was tough and rough around the edges but on the
inside she was sweet and responsive.
He couldn t believe his luck when she said she was into kinky sex. Just thinking
about her tied spread-eagle on her bed had him going hard. Remembering that, he
realized he still needed to order a few things before they could play a little.
He had trouble sleeping the night before. He was afraid it was because he had slept
on the couch instead of next to Jessie on her little bed. But he didn t want to let his
guard down and he wouldn t have been able to stop himself from touching her.
Jessie had been disappointed when he had told her but she hadn t pushed. She
knew that he had a job to do. Then she had been quiet at breakfast. It was a small
consolation that she obviously hadn t slept well either. But he wasn t sure if he had
anything to do with that or not.
He meant what he said and he knew it would be dangerous to have that sort of fun
with Cyrus on the loose. But he had a feeling they wouldn t have to wait much longer.
Thinking about it for a minute, he knew just what he wanted. He had a lot of
downtime on his last job, plenty of time to plan out his ultimate fantasy with the many
online resources available. Finding the websites he remembered on his phone, he paid
the extra to have them overnighted.
Excitement coursing in his veins, he went to take care of some things that Jessie said
she needed to get to. Then maybe if she didn t have so much to do he could talk her into
leaving for a few days. So he could do what he promised keep her safe.
Ain t No Angel
Chapter Ten
Travis was busy repairing a few of the greenhouse panels from outside when his
phone rang. He knew Jessie was inside, only a few feet away through the thin wall, so
he quickly silenced it and worked steadily for a few more minutes before entering the
He came up behind Jessie and nuzzled her bare neck. She shivered and turned in
his arms, looping hers around his shoulders. She was so small compared to him that he
felt as if he should be careful of her but he knew she was tougher than she looked.
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