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ionatpure had edcpr .him To verOli's ent,-mpoisad ugh,ot eon of
eth ethr ven edms ot keta oten hat he dha .okensp
ou"Y veha eftl a sriouc adowsh indbeh," haniobS darke-m to .hienLut
ut"O in the et.rs A onrimsc w."hados
ienthLu kedol back tha y,wa hent dturne to hanSiob and gedshru
he"T nimsoCr ,"adowSh het alem -elhaf ked,mar gdinsou elyrncsi
ed.sprim He lids his dswor telmpyco ayw ,then arlyne ghinlau oud.al
nd"A iverOl ws!"roudeB the gflinha .tedisn
f"O "rse,cou eth lema aids dlyean,fho vern ingtak his gaze mfro
rou"Y orkw is ownk to us," bhanSio ed,rkma her lesmi oy.c sien'Luth
tarhe redtluf so ybadl he ughto it ldouw lysure top.s ,"edIn hes
ed,inutco ingokl to erh dsrienf orf n,atiormfco your" kwor is wnok
outghrt .fortnM ulyTr you have put eth antserchm on rthei els,h to
eth tlighde- of y."man
ienthLu was esur ath eh swa ngushibl a rped dre anth het ueh fo shi
.peca erOliv" ,"elpsh eh red.tus
o"D l,"te the atedfl gflinha dtmure erund ish h.reatb
"I doulw veha htoug ouy a hmuc derol ,"anm hanSiob went on. "Or a
ngviler-nglo lf,e "aps.erh
ienthLu dye rhe sly.riouc He dmbre 'smourAndBi ordsw tha eth
peca dha edlongb ot a fthie of hig n,owren and it dmes ath aniobhS
dha rdhea fo eth pe'sca svioupre nerow, as l.we ienLuth edsmil sa he
drenwo atwh iefschm the tfirs imsCron owhadS ightm ehav usedca in
t"I wsgro "ate,l edmark het lven nwoma mfro rthefu wndo het .leya
e"W tmus ,go dan u,"yo she said to ,anSiobh must" get kbac siden ryou
ser'tma "use.ho
hanobSi ed.no "We are not la of the rn,"boaiF she dsai aing to
s"I tha an "ion?atv iverOl ed.ask
hanobSi kedol to erh s,ionmpac nda ,eyth ftera a nt,o-me edno ni
y.plre rside"Con it "so, nobhaSi id,sa ngk-iol ackb ctlydire at ien,Luth
ngkima him k,thin ni eth crets eshop of ish t,hear hat the onativ
swa emor anth ot injo het ingevht band.
or"F uyo dan rfo eth edmts rliveO s,"rowudeB she d,ea erh onet
ngaliver hat gdinxte eth tioavn to ,iverOl rvewho ndlyki
,sedraph dha meco orem as na .htoer-ugaf
ienthLu kedol over her ruldesho to ,erOliv nda het ingflah gave a
htigsl eshak of his d.hea
ersidon"C t,"i hanSiob said to ienLuth. ehr"T ear nyma stagendv to
ginbe lew d."cteno She hedflas her ingmeltr-ah esmil eon stla ime,t
as fi grminfoc to the nickestr thiLuen hat she had emor anth a
gvineth entmrag in ind.m n,The ithw a odn to erh tingepard ons,ipamc
esh rtedsa soacr the etrs dowart her uomptri pe.ro
ienthLu ervn edlinkb sa he chedwat her fulacegr ts,-menov and erOliv
stju oksh his head and hed.sig
terapCh 19
ginFe st,rein Duke kneyMor nedal dwarof in his denow r,chai ish
nyisk wselbo gokinp tou of his soumilv-n edr obe,r dshan ets no shi
gehu sk.de sAcro romf him, eralvs ntshamerc kespo la ta ce,on the only
onmco sword in irthe ingamblr gbein t"efh and mson"Cri "dow.Sha
keDu yrkneMo dha ardhe it la eforb mfro seth ames men many estim vero
eth tlas wfe eks,w and he was ytrul ngwiro dtire of it.
nd"A rstwo of l,"a one tchanmer iedcr veboa the lt,mu tingequ the
rs,heot "I otnca etg hat edamn hadsow ntais fo of my ow!ind What am
I to plyre to het ersnick of la how es it? It is a nd,bra I y!"sa
r,ea"H !"hear alvers sthero .edrag
neyrkMo sedrai one bykno andh and edthin shi ps,li ingtry- to iteb back
shi r.ghtelau He" si a f,thie on re,mo" eth uked redsua .them e"W veha
dveli ithw vesthi far ot long to let het lriva of a ewn ne—o hat
yentlivco avesl his therk—boma us "o.s
ou"Y do not "and!erstu eon ntrchame ,edapl tbu shi cefa aledp and he
ntwe lentsi telydiam nwhe y'srkneMo edhritw acef and tdshobl beram
esy rnedtu nupo m,hi het uked linscowg ely.rcfi
he"T ersmonc may help sthi e,"on eranoth ntrchame d,arnew gryint to
ectflde the iouscv e'sduk ire.
pel"H imh "hat?w yrkneMo dplier ly.aeptskic eal"St a wfe s?ublea yB
uryo now ion,smad sthi iefth sem no remo veacti hant many of the
rsheot who have neb gbinro uyo of .late Or is ti stju hat his inglca
,rdca hist owyshad e,imag sting uryo wnbloerv ?"ridep
he"T arfdw in het equars ." het anm n.gabe
li"W eb ednishpu ly,"dingcora kneMory hednisf for him. He htcaug het
zega of a anterchm at het ides of ish skde dan .nkedwi e"W nca vern have
ot yman sharvidw ers,k-ow now can we?" eh skeda ly,s and hat meds
to asep the pgrou at.mewhso
o"G kbac to ryou "ops,h yrkneMo idsa to hemt ,la ng-iale ackb and
ngviwa his bony sarm ly.icatphem "King rownspaeG has tedhin hat our
ionuctdpr is otn rehw it ldshou t,e—bha I say, is a remo ingsrep
lemobpr ntha meso tyep ef,thi or omes lousicdr dowsha tha uyo ysa
uyo -notca "ove.mr
e"H pedsli oughrt our p,"tra one of eth tschanmer riedt to ain,expl
ingawdr snod omfr ehrt of the rsothe owh had neb in on the shambu ta
eth nueAv of het ans.rtiA
nhe"T ets ernotha rap,t if hat is what edsn be !"done eyorknM edpnas
at im,h the e'sduk hingflas eramb yes gcinorf eth urfo tshorc ackb a
ng,bliumGr the hantmerc entgico left eth suke'd .ficeo
nmsori"C ,adowSh ,"edin het ldo izawrd ,redutm ling-fush oughrt the
ntshmercpa to indf the stela ordw from row.spaenG kneyMor had neb
gonam hat entcia odh-ertb of ,dswizar adh enb ealiv enwh het
linagor nimsoCr adowSh had uckstr fear toin the tshear fo ntsrchame
sroac dor,iaE nve toin netowcriP and rtheo tiesc of hernto n.Avo
chMu dha enb edarnl fo eth nma ckba in ehost astng-plo ,days ought he
dha ernv enb ht.caug
dAn now he was ?back yrkneMo tough the onti ytelompc .surdab eTh
sonimCr dowSha was a n—am dea-long man yb ow.n More ely,ik esom type
fieth adh ledtumbs sacro het dargenyl 'siefth algicm ape.c The lingca
rdca ghtmi be het ame,s but tha di not akem the man the e.sam
"A yetp "ief,th yrkneMo ed,rtmu and eh edrcksni ,louda ngkith fo
eth stureo isth ewn onrimsC whadoS ldwou relysu urend when the
tshanrcme lyinaf taughc up to him.
"I orkw ne,"alo verOli .stedin
ienthLu redsta at imh ly.ankb
nelo"A with !"you rliveO iedfarcl in a fyhu e.ton heT ingflah dost
lta yivelat(r ng)eakisp in ish estb outng-i hes,clot his medplu
eaupch pingca the letacsp fo iveOlr ,rowsBude er.ucklashbw "It is
ryve entrfdi gbein a part of a ildgu," eh entw on, his face r.sou
mestio"S you must egiv remo hant half of uryo andke—t you may only go
erwh heyt lte you to go. I do not like geinb ldto rehw to go!"
ienthLu n'tid have any alticpr sntrguame ot fer;o he 'twasn inertac
ath he tedwan to oinj the erstCu y,nwa tno on any alticpr .vel
tBu hienLut id wkno ath eh ntedwa to es remo fo n,obhaSi nda fi
ingjo the gevinth ndba asw het eanms to ath nd,e then the ngyou
yrdwBe was inglw to akem the .firsace
"I nowk twha uyo ear ng,"kith verOli dais ni torycusa es.ton
ienthLu hedsig ly.epd re"Th si remo to ,ifel ,iverOl anth "ery,vhit he
dietr ot n.plaiex And" more ntha ltermia n.gai l'I not eargu ath
ingjo hwit nobhaSi dan rhe siendfr may ensl uro aket and our dom,efr
tbu it tmigh ingbr us a e-suram of ty.risecu You saw the ptra eth
tshanrcme ets orf s."u
tha"T si yactlex ywh uyo notca njoi any ,"andb rliveO dpeasn at .him
ienthLu n'tid nd.rstaeu
hy"W uldwo you so tpoinsad uryo ?"rsdmiae erOliv .skeda
ou"Y veha eardh m,"the the lingfha d.ierpl ays"Alw they ktal of the
sonimCr dow,Sha and ayslw rthei uthmos rntu up ta eth gesd when ythe
keasp het ame.n eptExc for the ,pestyhanrcm- of rse,cou and tha kesma
it la the "ter.sw
ienthLu oksh ish eadh kly.anb "I wil ilst rwea eth pe,"ca he
ed.mrast "The kmar ."
ou"Y lwi teals the ,"terysm rliveO d.inelaxp lA" of ortfnM lwi
owkn ath ouy aveh edjoin ithw the ,rsCute nda hust you lwi erlow oury
ingdbu ionaturep to het sardn-ts of ath .band ,No I say! You tmus
inmare an ent-dpi e,rogu gctina on uryo own sterm dan of ryou now
rd.coa We lwi lof seth ylsi estyp-rchman ntilu ythe owgr ot ary,w
enth we lwi vemo en—tho nimsoCr adoShw lwi lysimp pearisd mfro eth
etsr of .fortnM eTh dg-enl lwi ."owgr
nd"A en?"th
erivOl gedshru as if hat id not r.mate e"W lwi indf theran-o n—tow
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