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somewhere that you made the clouds turn into a selected card. Some will just hear you made a giant
card appear in the sky. This leads to all kinds of interpretations. In their minds they may see a huge
white square, with cut-out pips. They may imagine three perfect hearts in a row floating in the sky.
Some may even think the words of the card were spelled out. Others may picture a giant card
floating in the air in full color.
When you stop to think about it, this is easy to describe, but hard to describe in detail. The
spectator simply tells the others, I thought of a card, and he made it appear in the sky. The clouds
just somehow formed an image of the card. This leaves a lot to the imagination of the listeners and
they will imagine it far out of proportion to what you actually did. This is why this can be a real
reputation maker. Don t do it to the point to where it becomes too common. Remember like the
headline prediction, you only need do this a few times to create a name for yourself.
Here is an interesting approach to the old psychological number force. This is the one where
a person is asked to think of a number from one to ten. Odds are the person will think of seven.
This has been used in various forms in the past. Two of the most common have been a stigmata
effect and the ashes on the arm revelation. The stigmata effect involves taking a matchstick and
scratching the number seven on your wrist. You have a person name a number from one to ten. If
the person says seven, which happens most of the time, then you would rub your wrist hard with
your other hand revealing a stigmatic image of a seven. What if the person didn t name seven?
You d bring out a deck of cards and deal down to the named number and use that card in an effect.
The other effect was to take a clear wax stick and secretly draw a seven on your wrist using
the wax. In this method you had the person write the number on piece of paper. Then using either a
center tear, peek or impression pad you d secretly learn the number written. If it was a seven, you
would burn the paper and rub the ashes on your arm (over the wax) revealing a black seven. If it
wasn t a seven, you d just read the spectator s mind and reveal the number. Needless to say both
the stigmata and ash effects have strong effects on the spectator.
You can apply this number force to a sky revelation that will blow people away. You re also
going to use an out for the times it doesn t work. The number seven, as pointed out previously is a
very common vapor trail. Now the fact that the most named number from one to ten is the same as
the most common vapor trail number makes for nothing short of a miracle.
The second most named number from one to ten is the number three. You will cover that by
having the number three scratched on your arm or written there in clear wax. Let me clarify, you
don t run around with a wax number or scratch on your wrist all the time. You wait till you see a
seven cloud. Once you do, take a Bic Pen cap and scratch the number three on your wrist. If you
are doing the ash method, you will have to carry the small wax crayon with you.
I prefer to use the stigmata version as you can always grab something handy to scratch a
three on the wrist. Here is how to apply it to any time you are doing magic outdoors. Let s assume
you ve spotted the number seven cloud in the sky, quickly put a three on your wrist and approach
the spectator or group you want to do this for. If you are doing strolling magic then gather a small
group together to watch.
Choose a person and ask her to think of a number between one and ten. When choosing a
person I prefer young ladies as they are more likely to scream at the results. Statistics also show
that women are more likely to think of the number seven. Hand her a small pad of paper and a pen
and ask her to write the number down for later verification.
Don t watch her like a hawk, but you can tell if she is writing a seven. A seven is the easiest
number to pencil read. If you re not sure, have her tear off the paper and take the pad back from
her. As you put it away you may notice an indentation left on the top sheet. This will let you know
the number she is thinking of. If this has failed, then have her fold the paper in quarters and do a
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