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Might I tell him in general terms? asked the slender alector, his words more
suggestion than question.
This time, no. I d also suggest that you would not wish to be the one to do
so, Dainyl replied.
Bharyt stood for a moment, then nodded. I will tell him that you re here,
Dainyl watched as the other alector turned and made his way along the corridor
flanked by goldenstone marble columns, goldenstone doubtless quarried
generations upon generations earlier in Soupat. Bharyt vanished through one of
the doors, then, after several moments, reappeared and walked swiftly back
until he faced Dainyl.
He will see you.
Thank you.
As he followed the functionary, Dainyl s boots clicked on the green and gold
marble tiles, a sound muted somewhat by the gold-trimmed dark green velvet
hangings. As they neared the library, Bharyt stepped back and motioned to the
door. You may go in.
Dainyl opened the door, stepped into the library, and closed the door behind
him. He was well aware of the finality of the metallic click of the latch.
The Duarch was not seated at his desk, but stood before the oak shelves on the
inside walls, as though he.had just re-. placed one of the leather-bound
volumes. Standing, he remained a towering presence, but his shimmering black
hair was disarrayed, and there were circles under the deep violet eyes. While
the Duarch still radiated Talent, Dainyl noted that now that the shadowmatch
was gone, Khelaryt s Talent seemed only slightly more impressive than
Zelyert s had.
On the Duarch s desk was a single large crystal, absolutely clear. Beyond the
desk and crystal, through the narrow floor-to-ceiling windows on the outer
walls, the sunken garden looked gray, half-veiled by the mist that was rapidly
being replaced by a full-fledged fog.
Sir. Dainyl bowed, then straightened, waiting.
You haven t seen the crystal before, have you? It s useful for turning malign
Talent energies against the user ... or for identifying strange energies. As
you know, it was not neces
sary ... earlier. Khelaryt smiled, warmly, although the warmth was even more
superficial than on their past meetings. You have an urgent message?
More like unfortunate news, sir. On my return from Dereka, after I had
inspected and briefed Fifth Company, High Alector Zelyert summoned me to his
private study, charged me with incompetence, and then attacked me.
Khelaryt nodded slowly. Since you are here, and he is not, the outcome is
obvious. I cannot say that I am surprised that he would act so. I am mildly
astonished at the outcome. You apparently have some abilities beyond the
Dainyl decided to ignore that point. I have also learned that he has been
traveling to Ludar and that he has been in rather close touch with High
Alector Ruvryn. You are doubtless aware of that, but you may not be aware that
even more Cadmian rifles manufactured in Faitel have turned up, this time in
the hands of the mountain brigands to the southwest of Soupat, and that Ruvryn
has apparently attempted to blame a delay in copper shipments on the events in
Soupat. He also charged me with delaying tin shipments when he had already
closed the mines some time earlier. At least, those were the offenses which
Zelyert laid at my feet.
Khelaryt had not been watching Dainyl, but the crystal, which had turned a
misty green from its previous clear color.
Very interesting. Your Talent is mixed, as if you were part ancient and part
alector. That cannot be, of course. There are warnings about green alectors
You know the reason for that, sir. When I was wounded in Hyalt...
That is certainly part of the reason, Dainyl. Tell me. Do you wish to be
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Duarch? High Alector of Justice?
No, sir. I have no desire to be Duarch. I m too direct, and I know too
little. Lystrana would be far better at it than I.
Khelaryt glanced at the crystal, clear once more. My daughters have been in
touch recently. They both have sent the same message. Both urge me to trust
you and to use you as necessary. On the other hand, every single High Alector,
except Chembryt, distrusts you. Who should I believe?
Yourself, sir. Others can only advise you, and all have their own interests
at heart.
And you do not?
I have my own interests as well, sir. I d like to think that they are far
less injurious to you and to the fate of Acorus.
What are your interests, Dainyl? To be High Alector of Justice?
I had not thought of that until this morning, sir, after I was forced to deal
with Zelyert. Dainyl smiled apologetically. He accused me of being an
imbecile and arrogant. I suppose that I am ignorant and arrogant, because my
feeling has always been that the duty of the High Alector of Justice is to be
just and because I believe that I certainly could handle the duties of being
High Alector of Justice at least as well as Zelyert did.
What would you do if I did not name you High Alector?
Continue to do my best as Marshal of Myrmidons. Resign if you requested it.
Khelaryt laughed ruefully. Zelyert was the imbecile ... or the arrogant one.
You are one of the loyal ones. You did not seek Shastylt s title and
responsibilities. You only sought to do what you thought best. In the end,
that made you a threat to both of them. That has all too often been the case.
He laughed again. As matters now stand, I am the only one to whom you do not
pose a threat. Khelaryt paused, frowning.
Dainyl managed to keep a pleasant expression on his face as he realized that
despite the Duarch s words, Khelaryt was concerned about Dainyl being a
In time, anyone can be a threat, but your loyalty says much about you, the
Duarch continued. I believe you understand that as well. But you cannot
remain as Marshal of Myrmidons.
There is no one among the High Alectors who is strong enough to be your
superior, Dainyl. We are not exactly blessed with an abundance of alectors
with ability and great
Talent. Khelaryt frowned again. The green sheen to your Talent poses another
problem, but for the moment, we will avoid that problem by noting that you
will be occupied in learning your new duties as High Alector of Justice.
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