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assistance person said the defending attorney is trying to get the
trial moved to Billings, on account of Mr. Tarleton can't get a fair
trial here."
John frowned. That did put another face on things. But he'd
testify, as would Sassy. Hopefully Tarleton would get what he
deserved. John knew for a fact that if he hadn't intervened, it
would have been much more than a minor assault. Sassy knew it,
"It was a bad day for Hollister when that man came to town," Mrs.
Peale said curtly. "Sassy came home every day upset and
"You should have called the owner and complained," John told
She grimaced. "I didn't dare. He didn't know me that well. I was
afraid he'd think I was telling tales on Mr. Tarleton because I
wanted his job."
"It's been done," John had to admit. "But you're not like that,
Sassy. He'd have investigated and found that out."
She sighed. "It's water under the bridge now," she replied sadly. "I
know it's the right thing to do, taking him to court. But what if he
gets off and comes after me, or Mama or Selene for revenge?"
she added, worried.
"If he does," John said, and his blue eyes glittered dangerously, "it
will be the worst decision of his life. I promise you. As for getting
off, if by some miracle he does, you'll file a civil suit against him
for damages and I'll bankroll you."
"I knew you were a nice man from the first time I laid eyes on
you," Mrs. Peale chuckled.
Sassy was smiling at him with her whole face. She felt warm and
protected and secure. She blushed when he looked back, with
such an intent, piercing expression that her heart turned over.
"Why does life have to be so complicated?" Sassy asked after a
John shrugged. "Beats me, honey," he said, getting to his feet and
obviously unaware of the endearment that brought another soft
blush to Sassy's face. "But it does seem to get more that way by
the day." He checked his watch and grimaced. "I have to get back
to the ranch. I've got an important call coming through. But I'll
stop by tomorrow. We might take in a movie, if you're game."
Sassy grinned. "I'd love to." She looked at her mother and
"I have a phone," her mother pointed out. "And Selene's here."
"You went out with the Army guy and didn't make a fuss," John
Mrs. Peale beamed. That was jealousy. Sassy seemed to realize it,
too, because her eyes lit up.
"I'm not making a fuss," Sassy assured him. "And I love going to
the movies."
John relented a little and grinned self-consciously. "Okay. I'll be
along about six. That Chinese restaurant that just opened has
good food-suppose I bring some along and we'll have supper
before we go?"
They hesitated to accept. He'd done so much for them already...
"It's Chinese food, not precious jewels," he said. "Would you like
to go out and look at my truck again? I make a handsome salary
and I don't drink, smoke, gamble or run around with predatory
Now Mrs. Peale and Sassy both looked sheepish and grinned.
"Okay," Sassy said. "But when I get rich and famous one day for
my stock-clerking abilities, I'm paying you back for all of it."
He laughed. "That's a deal."
The Chinese food was a huge assortment of dishes, many of
which could be stored in the refrigerator and provide meals for
the weekend for the women and the child. They knew what he'd
done, but they didn't complain again. He was bighearted and he
wanted to help them. It seemed petty to argue.
After they ate, he helped Sassy up into the cab of the big pickup
truck, got in himself, and drove off down the road. It was still light
outside, but the sun was setting in brilliant colors. It was like a
symphony of reds and oranges and yellows, against the
silhouetted mountains in the distance.
"It's so beautiful here," Sassy said, watching the sunset. "I'd never
want to live anyplace else."
He glanced at her. He was homesick for Medicine Ridge from time
to time, but he liked Hollister, too. It was a small, homey place
with nice people and plenty of wide-open country. The elbow
room was delightful. You could drive for miles and not meet
another car or even see a house.
"Are we going to the theater in town?" she asked John.
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