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custom of bawds wearing bells to attract customers.
pronounced: nan-deer root meaning: from Vastmark dialect ancient term for 11
without" NARMSity on the coast of Instrell Bay, built as a craft center by Men
in the early Third Age. Best known for dyeworks.
pronounced: narms to rhyme with "charms" root meaning: narmsolor
NORTHSTORity located at the northern tip of the East Halla peninsula in
pronounced: north-store root meaning: stor-summit, or apex of a triangle
NORTHSTRAIT-narrows between the mainland spur of northern Tysan, and the Trow
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ORLAN-pass through the Thaldein Mountains, also location of the
Camris clans' west outpost, in Camris, Tysan. Known for barbarian raids.
pronounced: or-Ian root meaning: irian-ledge ORVANDIR-principality located in
northeastern Shand.
pronounced: or-van-deer root meaning: orvein-crumbled; dir-stone
OSTERMERE-harbor and trade city, once smugglers' haven, located in
Carythwyr, Havish; current seat of Eldir, King of Havish.
pronounced: os-tur-mere root meaning: ostler-brick; miere-reflection
PARAVIAN-name for the three old races that inhabited Athera before
Including the centaurs, the Sunchildren, and the unicorns, these races never
die unless mishap befalls them; they are the world's channel, or direct
connection to Ath Creator.
pronounced: par-ai-vee-ans root meaning: para-great; i'on-fate or
"great mystery" PARRIEN s'BRYDION-second youngest brother of Duke Bransian of
Alestron; older brother of Meam, younger brother ofKeldmar.
pronounced: par-ee-en root meaning: para-great; lent-dart
PASYVIER-meadows in Korias, Tysan, where clanblood drifters raise horses.
pronounced: pass-ee-vee-er root meaning: pase'vier-hidden little vale
PERDITH-city located on the east shore in East Halla, Melhalla; known for its
pronounced: per-dith root meaning: pirdith-anvil
PERLORN-city in Fallowmere, Rathain on the trade road midway between
Etarra and Werpoint.
pronounced: pur-lorn root meaning: perlorn-midpoint PESQUIL-mayor of the
Northern League of
Headhunters, at the time of the battle of Strakewood Forest.
His strategies cause the Deshir clans the most punishing losses.
pronounced: pes-quil like "pest-quill" root meaning not from the
Paravian PRANDEY-Shandian term for gelded pleasure boy.
pronounced: pran-dee root meaning not from the Paravian QUAID-trade city in
Carithwyr, Havish; inland along the trade road from Losmar to
Redburn. Famous for fired clay and brick.
pronounced: quaid to rhyme with 'staid' root meaning: cruaid-a specific form
of clay used for brickmaking RADMOORE DOWNS-meadowlands in
Midhalla, Melhalla.
pronounced: rad-more root meaning: riad-thread; mourarpet, rug
RATHAIN-High Kingdom of Athera ruled by descendants of Torbrand s'Ffalenn
since Third Age One. Sigil: black-andsilver leopard on green e pronounced:
rath-ayn root meaning: roth-brother;
them-tower, sanctuary RAUVEN TOWER-home of the s'Ahelas mages who brought up
Arithon s'Ffalenn and trained him to the ways of power.
Located on the splinter world, Dascen Elur, through West Gate.
pronounced:raw-yen root meaning: rauven-invocation REDBURNity located in a
deep inlet in the northern shore of Rockbay Harbor in Havistock, Havish.
pronounced: red-burn root meaning not from the Paravian RENWORT-plant native
to Athera. A poisonous mash can be brewed from the berries.
pronounced: ren-wart root meaning: renwarin-poison RIATHAN
PARAVIANS-unicorns, the purest and most tion to Ath Creator; the prime
vibration channels direct connec directly through the horn.
pronounced: ree-ah-than root meaning: ria-to touch; ath-prime life force;
ri'athonthe who touches divinity ROCKFELL PITeep shaft cut into
Rockfell Peak, used to imprison harmful entities throughout all three ages.
Located in the principality of West Halla, Melhalla; became the warded prison
for Desh-thiere.
pronounced: rock-fell root meaning not from the Paravian ROCKFELL
VALE-valley below Rockfell Peak, located in principality of West
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Halla, Melhalla.
pronounced: rockfell vale root meaning not from the Paravian s'AHELAS-family
name for the royal line appointed by the Fellowship
Sorcerers in Third Age Year One to rule the High Kingdom of Shand.
Gifted geas: farsight.
pronounced: s'ah-hell-as root meaning: ahelas-mage-gifted
SANPASHIR-desert waste on the southcoast of Shand.
pronounced: sahn-pash-eer root meaning: san-black or dark;
pash'era-place of grit or gravel SAVRID-merchant brig chartered to transport
armed men from Mindert Bay to Merior.
pronounced: sahv-rid root meaning: savrid-thrifty s'BRYDION-ruling line of the
dukes of
Alestron. The only old blood clansmen to maintain rule of their city through
the uprising that defeated the rule of the high Icings.
pronounced: s'bride-ee-on root meaning: baridien-tenacity SCIMLADE
TIP-peninsula at the southeast corner of Alland, Shand.
pronounced: skim-laid root meaning: scimlait-curved knife or scythe
spawned, vicious, intelligent cat-like predators that roved in packs whose
hierarchy was arranged for ruthless and efficient slaughter of other living
things. By the middle of the Second Age, they had been battled to extinction.
pronounced: seerd-lwin root meaning: seard-bearded; luin-feline SECOND
AGE-Marked by the arrival of the Fellowship of Seven at Crater Lake, their
called purpose to fight the drake spawn.
SELKWOOD-forest located in Alland, Shand.
pronounced: sellk-wood root meaning: selk-pattern SETHVIR-Sorcerer of the
Fellowship of Seven, served as Warden of Althain since the disappearance of
the Paravians in the Third Age after the
Mistwraith's conquest.
pronounced: seth-veer root meaning: seth-fact; vaer-keep
SEVERNIR-river that once ran across the central part of
Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain. Diverted at the source after the
Mistwraith's conquest, to run east into the Bay of Eltair.
pronounced: se-ver-neer root meaning: sevaer-to travel; mr-south
s'FFALENN-family name for the royal line appointed by the Fellowship
Sorcerers in Third Age Year One to rule the High Kingdom of Rathain.
Gifted geas: compassion/empathy.
pronounced: fal-en root meaning: ffaelark, anthe s'GANNLEY-family name for the
line of
Earls of the West, who stood as caithdeinen and stewards for the
of Tysan.
pronounced: gan-lee root meaning: gaen-4o guide; ll-exalted, or in harmony
SHADDORN-track e city located on the Scinilade peninsula in
Alland, Shand.
pronounced: shad-dom root meaning: shaddiern-a type of sea turtle
SHAND-High Kingdorrt on the southeast corner of the Paravian continent,
originally ruled by the line of s'Ahelas.
Device is falcon on a crescent moon, backed by purple-andgold chevrons.
pronounced: shand as in "hand" root meaning: shand-two/pair
SHANDIAN-refers to nationality, being of the Kingdom of Shand.
pronounced: shand-ee-an root meaning: shand-two/pair SHEHANE
ALTHAIN-Ilitharis Paravian who dedicated his spirit as defender and guardian
of Althain Tower.
pronounced: shee-hay-na all-thain root meaning: shiehai'en-to give for the
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