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had added the luxury of bleu cheese-stuffed olives.
"This looks perfect. Thank you." Thad took a tiny sip, since the glass was almost filled to overflowing, and set it
back down, letting the ice-cold vodka trickle down his throat.
Jared sat across from him with a mug of draft beer. "You can have it, buddy. I'll stick with my Mac and Jack's." He
raised his mug to Thad and gave him a smile that had probably broken a thousand hearts: lopsided and undeniably
The two talked for the better part of an hour, with Thad trying, without much luck, to insert Sam into the
conversation. He couldn't really say he had a boyfriend because that was not technically quite true, at least not yet,
and the opportunities for saying something about how excited he was to be getting together with this new, hot guy
just seemed rude. However, he did ignore the pressure of Jared's foot on his calf until Jared gave up and moved it
away. Thad was also careful not to let his gaze linger too long.
After they had finished their second drink, Jared abruptly asked, "So Thad, what are your plans for tonight?" Jared
cocked his head and fixed him with the grin that, even though Thad felt he only had eyes for Sam, was still
Thad knew where this was going. And another Thad, the pre-Sam Thad, would have followed right along, doing
things that would make his mama hang her head in shame. But now, the prospect of something more physical with
Jared simply made him uncomfortable, as if he would be cheating. But he wasn't quick enough to come up with
anything other than, "Not much. You?"
"Well..." Jared took a deep breath and increased the wattage on his killer smile. "I was hoping I might lure this hot
redhead I met today back to my place." He smiled. "He seems like the type that could take whatever I dish out."
Jared chuckled. "I live just up the hill, near Volunteer Park." He put his hand over Thad's. "We could be there in five
Thad grinned politely. And pulled his hand back to let it rest in his lap. The gesture wiped the smile right from
Jared's face.
"What's the matter, Thad? Afraid that animal will eat you up?"
Thad cocked his head. "Huh? No, I...I just don't think it's a good idea. I...I'm kind of seeing someone, you know?"
Jared shook his head. "Just my luck. All the good ones are taken." He shrugged and sat back in his chair, splaying
his legs in front of him, more visibly relaxed, it seemed, now that the moment had passed. Thad was glad--and liked
Jared better--that the guy didn't make a big deal out of being turned down. Maybe they could be friends, and, if
things went south with Sam again, maybe more.
But something that Jared said had caused a tiny shiver to go through him.
"What did you mean: was I afraid of some animal?"
Jared looked at him and cocked his head. "You mean you haven't heard about the latest killing?"
Now Thad really got a chill, one that coursed up and down his spine. He flashed back to the summer, when he had
read about the man on Capitol Hill (where they were right now) who had been ripped to pieces in an alley. He had
forgotten it until this very moment. "No. I haven't looked much at the news lately."
"Yeah." Jared leaned closer and his eyes got bigger. "Some guy down at the Washington Park Arboretum got killed
last night. It was just like that murder last month, with the poor dude being torn up and partially eaten." Jared
shivered. "It's the second time a gay man has been killed in a known gay area. They're beginning to wonder if there's
a connection, although it seems like both of these killings could have been done by an animal, last night especially.
But here on the Hill? With all these people constantly around?" Jared hugged himself, like he was suddenly cold. "I
doubt it. I just don't see how an animal who could do that kind of damage could roam around a busy neighborhood
like Capitol Hill and not get noticed. No, I think this is the work of a major psycho." He let himself relax. "Anyway,
I just wanted to be sure you weren't afraid of me because of that. Because really, hon, I'm a sheep in wolf's
"I'm sure. But I didn't even know about this second murder. You said this happened at the Arboretum?"
"Yeah. You know how cruisy that place is. There were a couple guys that saw a little of what happened, but I guess
none of them was able to come up with a description other than a 'black blur.' Creepy, huh?"
Thad glanced down at his watch and thought of Edith, at home, waiting to go outside and to have her supper.
"Listen, Jared. This has been really fun. And if it weren't for Sam, I would go home with you in a heartbeat. I'll
probably kick myself anyway for not taking you up on your offer. But I need to get home to my dog."
"Oh? What kind?"
"A Chihuahua."
Jared smirked.
"No comments, please." Thad laughed. Could he have chosen a gayer breed? "Anyway, I hope we can do this again.
Or maybe dinner sometime...or a movie?"
"Just not as a date, right?"
Thad shook his head. "I'm sorry, buddy, but I just need to see where things go with this new guy."
"He must be awfully hot to make you pass up a chance at this..." Jared gestured to his body, then laughed.
Thad liked him. And if he didn't want to further complicate his life, he knew he really should get going. So he stood
and said goodbye, giving Jared a quick peck on the lips. "See you soon, okay?"
Thad hurried from the bar. Edith waited. And, tomorrow, Sam would be waiting.
Thad couldn't wait.
Chapter 6
Thad hadn't realized, when he had visited the Blue Moon Cafe for the first time, that there was a small apartment in
the back. Sam led him through the closed restaurant, which seemed kind of lonely and abandoned in the dark, with
its empty tables stacked with upside down chairs. An echo of conversation hung in the air, yet the place seemed
unnaturally quiet, as if it was waiting for patrons to return, resuming their conversations where they left off.
Before they headed through the kitchen, Sam had turned to him, and his chocolate-eyed gaze drank in Thad. "I am
so happy you came. I don't know if what I'm doing is right, but my heart says it doesn't matter."
His words made Thad tingle. Quickly, Sam grabbed him and kissed him. What started out as a light-hearted peck of
welcome quickly morphed into a full-blown, open-mouthed, tongues-dueling lip lock of unbridled passion. After
what seemed like more than a couple of minutes had passed, Sam pulled away.
They both gasped and then laughed softly, hugging each other. Thad whispered, "You have such animal magnetism,
Sam. I can't stand it." And he couldn't. He wanted to throw propriety--and dinner--to the wind and just drag the man
back to his apartment, where maybe something could be done about this stiffness in his pants that felt on the verge
of exploding.
But real life didn't work that way. So Thad gulped in some air, tried to think of anything other than Sam spreading
himself out on top of him like some big, furred beast, and said, "I'm really looking forward to meeting your family."
"And they you. And don't worry...we will get some time alone later."
"I'll hold you to that."
Sam led him through the door that took them to the family apartment and Thad got ambushed. He couldn't
remember a time when he had been greeted so warmly and enthusiastically, especially by complete strangers. With
no shyness, they grabbed him and hugged him, planting kisses on both cheeks. Ther
was lots of murmuring in
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