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Gentle hands reached out to Allic and took the body away.
"Take them back to Landra," Allic said softly. "Make a resting place for them
beside Liona."
Allic looked over to Valdez as if seeing him for the first time.
"Who did this?" he asked grimly.
"There's been no evidence so far of a message crystal. We must assume the
attackers found it and took it with them."
"Then what evidence do we have?"
Valdez nodded to several sorcerers who stood to one side.
The three stepped forward and dropped an assortment of spears and shields by
Allic's feet.
"Macha?" Allic asked incredulously.
"It would appear so, my lord. Those are weapons of the Torms."
"And do you believe it?"
"No logic to it at all, sire. We have had problems with Macha in the past, to
be sure. But Macha knew that Dirk was your son. To attack Dirk is to directly
attack you."
"Then if that bastard wants war," Allic said coldly, "he'll have war,"
"It isn't logical," Valdez ventured.
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"To hell with your logic. We go in tonight."
"My lord, we should at least wait till morning and check the ground. We might
find more evidence then."
"I want revenge!" Allic cried.
"My lord." It was Pina, who was still standing inside the keep, and pointing
at the wall beside him.
Allic turned.
"Please come here for a moment. I've found something."
Allic walked over to Pina and bent to examine the wall.
The others gathered closer and Mark turned to Valdez. "What is it?"
"Looks like battle code," Valdez replied. "All our commanders and sorcerers
learn a symbolic battle code so that a message can be left. It's one of our
best kept secrets. To any untrained eye, battle code looks like random
scratches. A gate portal is one of the places we use to leave such messages.
Dirk was able to scratch something before they broke in."
Valdez pushed closer and looked over Allic's shoulder.
"Sarnak," Valdez said, looking back at those beside him.
There was a growl from the assembly. Allic straightened and stepped out into
the courtyard.
"Then it was Sarnak," Valdez said coldly. "That bastard tried to make this
look like Macha's doing. They swept the place for message crystals to make
sure, but they didn't see the message."
"We go for them now!" Allic cried, and several of the sorcerers cheered.
"My lord," Valdez interjected, "it could be a trap. Perhaps Sarnak wants to
provoke a war between us and the Torms, but he must also expect that you might
outguess him in this. If you charge into his realm without an army for
support, his defenses will be too strong."
"I don't care," Allic roared. "I will be avenged!"
"Besides, my lord," Pina said, "if you should openly attack him he can turn
that to his advantage. Our only proof is the scratchings in the battle code.
Before all the other demigods and gods you will look like the aggressor."
"Damn them all," Allic cried. "Is not the death of my own son enough proof?
What are you, simpering cowards and whining diplomats?"
"My lord!" Ikawa stepped forward. "I am new here, but I was a warrior long
before you knew me. I too want revenge for what was done here. Let me propose
a plan, my lord, that will catch your enemy by surprise."
"You're good at sneak attacks," Younger sneered from the back of the crowd.
Ikawa looked over at him.
Mark quickly stepped forward. "Ikawa is right, my lord, and so is Younger.
Ikawa's people once hit mine with a surprise attack that even we must admit
was effective. Listen to him, my lord."
Ikawa nodded respectfully at Mark, then turned back to Allic.
"Tell me then, and quickly," Allic said coldly, "but you better not be wasting
my time."
The hour was very late but Ralnath knew his master would still be working. He
knocked on the door and entered immediately.
"My lord, we've just detected two of Allic's triads crossing our border."
Sarnak laid down the report he was reviewing and stretched. Rising, he walked
to his master crystal and activated it with a wave.
"Very curious. Why send such a weak force to reconnoiter my border? Is Allic
with them?"
"No indication, my lord."
"Could it be that he is already attacking Macha?"
"Very likely, sire. Here, let me show you something." Ralnath meshed his mind
with the crystal and shifted the perspective. "Right here is a very large,
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shielded mass heading towards Macha's realm. It's quite powerful, must have at
least fifteen to twenty sorcerers to generate something that strong."
"Excellent. Step by step we approach our goal." He paused, watching the
pattern of light heading farther and farther away, then switched back to the
first scene with the two triads cruising slowly at the edge of his land.
"My normal pattern would be to react violently to a border violation," Sarnak
said, speaking slowly, "and everything must appear normal so Allic will not
suspect me of this night's work. Therefore"--his voice sharpened--"have them
destroyed. Send the forces that just made the attack on Dirk--they're already
in position near the border."
Chapter 9
"You're doing an excellent job," Pina said, banking over to Mark's side.
"How's that?"
"Your flying. That's it, keep up the erratic movements, wander out of
formation. We want to make this look weak."
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