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%20v1.0.txt (73 of 102) [7/14/2004 3:16:58 PM]
ong%20View%2001%20-%20Star%20Rebel%20v1.0.txt the man any longer-just the
man's arm. He used it to club down one Utie who was still trying to get up,
then threw it away. That move was a mistake; the faulty gyro, when he
\b158\b went to straighten up too fast, began to process and almost turned him
\iAll right-easy now!\i He paused to look. One man wasn't quite dead, but
close to it, so Bran stomped on his head. No point in leaving loose ends.
Weapons might be a good idea; he looked around and picked up one medium energy
weapon and one light one. There was a needier lying handy, but he had only two
hands and no place to tuck anything away. So- upship again.
Somebody must have ducked away and made an intercom call, because three decks
up he ran into an ambush-maybe a dozen armed people blasting at him when he
came up into view at the landing.
\iPeace on it!\i Spray^g energy bolts with the heavier gun in his left hand,
he ran at the two closest attackers. They were standing against a bulkhead.
The suit's impact made mush of them.
Well, nobody said it was going to be neat and tidy. Three were still alive.
They ran, and he didn't bother to shoot.
Farther upship. He was shot at, and he shot back. He left several dead and let
some flee unscathed. The suit's right knee mechanism was heating up; the gyros
for bending down and straightening chattered and paused at the wrong times. He
had to keep his moves simple now, or the damn suit could collapse on him.
Coming to the galley level he heard a lot of shouting. Whose, he had no idea,
and by now he couldn't afford to care. He thought of something Hawkman had
told him once. When he climbed far enough to look across at floor level, he
flipped on the suit's outside speakers and \iyelled,\i then dropped out of
sight for a few seconds. And then raised his heavier gun up and sprayed the
level without even looking. When the noise stopped he raised himself up and
scanned the area.
There were three corpses and no one alive. Whether the three kills were his or
someone else's, he'd probably never know.
Not far now, to Control. And to Farnsworth, who'd had Monteffial killed, who
had tried to give this ship back to UET. Farnsworth, that pigass-oh, forget
about cussing, \iget\i him. So Bran started up the last climb.
He expected a grenade, but maybe Farnsworth had forgotten to stock up on
those. He expected a flood of armed troops, but maybe good ol' Cleet had run a
Page 100
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
little short. He didn't know \iwhat\i the hell he expected. So he just climbed
on up.
Farnsworth didn't have much ready for him, special. A few
\b159\b troops, and one of the projectors that would have fit onto the power
suit. Not much, but enough.
"Hold it right there," said Farnsworth. "I don't know who you are, in there,
but I'm captain now and I offer you amnesty if you'll surrender. Is it a
"Tell me a little more, captain," said Tregare. He was inching the suit
forward, trying to look as if he weren't. "I'm not sure I understand all
what's happened."
"Well, it's simple enough," Farnsworth said. "There was a traitorous mutiny,
and now that's rectified. Except that you and I have to reach an
"That's no problem. I understand fine. A deal, then?" He strode toward
Farnsworth. Everything would have worked if the heavy-projector man hadn't
caught on; the blast caught the suit's control pack and jammed the lower
limbs. Bran grabbed for Farnsworth; the thrown missile that smashed into the
gunners face and knocked him unconscious, was Farnsworth's head. Then, the
explosion came.
"I'm getting tired," said Bran Tregare, "of waking up in hospital."
"Then try taking better care of yourself." Eda Ghormley's voice still belied
her sour expression. "Captains shouldn't take so many chances. Can you
tolerate visitors? There's one here."
Bran took a quick self-check. Head thudding, ears ringing, stomach vacillating
between hunger and nausea, but-"Visitors. Yes." Because if he was captain, he
had to know more about it, and fast.
The visitor was Erdis Blaine; she looked a little red-eyed puffy but mostly in
control. Bran asked first. "Who's got the watch? What's the drill? Tell me
fast." Then, realizing she had her own problems, "I wish to hell they hadn't
got Leon."
She sniffed once and almost managed a smile. "Me, too. Nicest guy I-well,
Gonnelson's standing in for you, Tregare, and just temporarily, Max Druffel
and I are filling in on the other watches.
The other Chief rating in line, he was on the wrong side. Somebody killed him.
Probably you."
\iWhat a mess.\i Tregare said, "Tell Gonnelson I confirm his choices. You and
Druffel, which of you is senior?"
"He is; he's a Chief."
"Then I guess he's Second Hat and you're Third. All right?"
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